Friday 12 November 2010

Online Vs Print Research

Magazine Research: Online Version Vs Print Based Version


In class we compared two different forms of a magazine, which i chose Kerrang. We looked at both the print based version, and the online version of the magazine, comparing the features and components of them both. we had to decide which was more informative and which was the easiest to read and navigate to the selected pages. Here are some of my findings:


  • Fonts are consistent which create a link between the two forms of the magazines. 
  • I found that the colours were the same on both forms of the magazine, they use colors like yellow, black, red white and grey. This gives a clear house style to the magazine version, and is easy for the reader to be able to recognise the style.
  • the artists and images used were similar.
  • The navigation of both forms of the Kerrang magazine were different as you are unable to use links on the magazine print based version and they use contents pages.
  • The features were different as on the website they use podcasts and the print based version uses quizzes to engage the readers.

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