Friday 19 November 2010

Codes and conventions of a Music magazine

To get a better understanding of music magazines, i researched the codes and conventions of the music press. Firstly i looked at the fron covers of music magazines. The codes and conventions i found are as follows:

  • Masthead- So the reader can recognise the title of the magazine.
  • Lures- To give the reader an isight to the magaizne of what type of articles will be shown.
  • Straplines- To show readers the different articles that will be in the magazine.
  • Date/Issue/Barcode- To show when the magazine has been published and how often it is being published. Also a barcode to be scanned in shops to make it look realistic.
  • Price- To tel readers how much the magazine will cost.
  • Cover lines- To link to genre of magazine.
  • Main images- To show the image of the artist/band.

Next I looked at the contents page codes and conventions. i found that this includes:
  • Editorial - This is done so that the magazine connects with the audience. They have an appropriate mode of address
  •  Page number- The consumer knows what page it is an can find articles easier
  •  Images (several) that relate with the music and genre- This is to get the audience hooked and want to read the articles to discover what the pictures are about.
  • One main image- This is the focus of the magazine the main article the one that is the cover story so it is clear to the audience that this is the main story.
  •  Connects with the front cover- image, masterhead- This is so that the target audience can find what they were looking for on the front page.
  • Different fonts- This is used so that it is not boring but catchy and you’re drawn to different pieces of information
  • Ordered- this is so that the target audience can easily access the articles they want to read as they will be under headings so it is easy to find
  • Colour theme (connects to the front cover)- So that the audience can easily recognise the magazine in the more issues and also it looks serious. Doesn’t look messy and unorganised
  • Captions with images- So that the target audience can understand what the pictures are and who of.
  • Magazine title- So that the reader is constantly reminded of the title of the magazine so that it stays in their head.
  • Date of release/ issue number-so that the reader knows if it is the most recent magazine
  • Columns (3 or 4)- Shows that there is plenty of content within the magazine showing the reader that it is not only the main story in the magazine
  • Focus on the cover story- So that the reader knows that, that is the main story
  • Separated into subheadings example, regular features, news- So that the reader finds it easy to find what they are looking for
  • Web address- So that the target audience can access the internet address

I then read over all my research and tried my best to make sure my music magazine included some of the contents

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