Wednesday 5 January 2011

Evaluation Question 2

Representation of Social Groups

In order for my magazine to attract the desired audience, i have had to think about it carefully of how i will represent it and how it will come across to other readers.  The target audience for my magazine are indie/rock music lovers and ages at roughly 16-25.

The band members used are all white, two being male and one female. NME magazine which i have based my magazine on, also consists of two males and one female.

As you can see the magazines are slightly similar. Both have thesame genre so i created my magazine based on this one, to get the same results from readers, as both have the same target audience.
The clothing is all casual wear as it is suited to the genre, but as the background is black and white the clothing isnt neccasery on the front cover On the article the images of the band are in normal so the clothing is just all cool, casual to show that there isn't any trends you need to follow to be a fan of this band.

 The band members are all 17, but are made to seem slightly older at 19. This is so that it is a neutral ages for the aimed audience. As the audinces is indie, who are big fans of festivals, there is a lure at the bottom of the page giving readers a chance to win tickets to one of the UKs niggest festivals 'Vfestival'. This will make the target audience therefore more interested in the magazine and more keen to buy it.

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