Saturday 1 January 2011

Evaluation Question 1

- In what ways does your magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
When i began producing my magazine, i wanted to give it  a similar look to the NME magazine. I noticed that mixmag had a black and white background and i thought that it was very appealing and attractive so i decided to use it on my magazine. I also added the 'chalk and charcoal' effect to create a cool and modern stylised vibe to the magazine, making more of the target audience attracted. 
I used the colours pink, black and white as they are fairly modern colours. The pink is eye catching as it stands out from the black and white background. This is different to real media products as normally magazines such as top of the pops use a wide variety of colours and shades which can sometimes look like a mess. 
On my music magazine article, I placed a quote as a subheading to give the readers a quick glance of what the article entails. I done this as i saw that NME had done the same and it was very helpful to get a short sense of what the article was about.
The band logo is placed on both the front page and the article, this is common on most magazines, and creates a house style amongst the magazine industry. The masthead of the magazine is also used to create a house style as it is used in both the front page and contents, with all colours used the same. This makes it easy for readers to recognise the magazine.

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