Saturday 11 December 2010

Evaluation Question 4

Who is the target audience for your magazine?

The target audience for my music magazine would be teenagers and young adults, aged 16-25, as indie music is usually listened to and supported by this age band. I also have chosen this age band because the majority of artists in the indie/rock genre are a lot younger than the artists in other genres of the music industry, such as soul and R'n'B.

The image i have used on my front cover is of my band, which is made up of three teenagers, this would help to attract the target audience as they would easily recognize the trio, due to them being roughly the same age. Also on the front cover i have used specific colors to grab the attention of my target audience. I have used black and white, to give the magazine an indie/rock look to it, with pink writing to stand out and also to show that the magazine is for both male and female by using colors that attract both.

My magazine is also aimed at people who are passionate about music, and have a great love for festivals and concerts. I have placed a lure on the bottom of the front cover which gives readers the chance to win tickets to one of the main festivals in the UK, 'Vfestival'. This will encourage the audience to buy the magazine as they will be more interested and keen on finding out more about the magazine.

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