Thursday 23 December 2010

Evaluation Question 5 and Audience Profile

How did you attract / address your audience?

This is an image of my reader profile. My music magazine is called 'TME', which stands for 'The Music Evolution'. It is an indie/rock genre and is mainly aimed at young adults/teenagers who are keen on music and have a big passion for music. I decided to use the colours of greay/pink/black and white to make it neutral and appealing to both male and female, but on my reader profile i sed a small bit of blue to give a change. The use of the brush and rough edges effect on the front cover to give the magazine a 'cool' look without it being boring and to bring attention to the audience as they are young and seek fun. On the reader profile there are images of cars, alcohol, clothing brands and gadgets all that would relate to the target audience.

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