Tuesday 14 December 2010

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Media distribution is how the magazine is sold or delivered to the audience. Some of the original ways is by selling the magazine throught retail outles and big super markets. Also music shops such as HMV                      
would be a good way to distribute the magazine as the people interested in the same genre of music as your magazine will easily notice it.

But now there are newer ways to distribute your magazine, for example online distribution. This is becoming more popular with musig magazine and big brands such as NME and Kerrang have ways you can subscribe to this. Also mobile phone applications are becoming more popular when subscribing.

Another way of distribution of a music magazine is being given away as a freebieor a promotional magazine, which would help if it was alongside a top selling magazine. Also if it was to be given away at popular gigs and festivals wit the similar genre of music then it would promote the audience.

After researching the different types of distribution i decided that my magazine will be published using the traditional forms of distribution, such as selling them in a retail outlet. Also in music shops such as HMV as a lot of the target audience will be shopping for similar genre music.

My magazine will cost £1.80, as this is a reasonable price for young adults, and will be published once every two weeks, to give readers a frequent update of the different contents involved. To ensure that it reaches my target audience it will be placed at a prominent point of sale, to ensure that readers can easily recognize the magazine once in the que to buy a CD.

Seeing as there will be a lot of competition, i will make sure that my magazine has lures to make the reader buy it, instead of the leading music magazine. Also, to make sure that my magazine is being delivered to the audience its intended to reach, it was be a national magazine being sold in the UK, as this is where the vast majority of my audience are. To promote the music magazine, I will advertise it in similar magazines of similar genres, such as Kerrang and NME.



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