Wednesday 15 December 2010

Evaluation Question 7-Looking Back

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

After i evaluated my preliminary task i noticed that my skills had developed which helped the music magazine look a lot better than the preliminary school magazine.

As you can see the music magazine looks a lot more detailed and descriptive. On the prelim task i used a white background behind the text as it was too dark to place on its own, but looking back at it i realized it was a mistake and looked unprofessional. So when i started to create my text on the music magazine i experimented more and found white outline which i used as it was easy to ready and worked well with the background. On the prelim magazine the colors were not consistent so when i was producing my music magazine i made sure i carefully decided on suitable colors to use and made sure that the magazine had a house style effect using the same colors and fonts throughout.

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