Thursday 23 December 2010

Evaluation Question 5 and Audience Profile

How did you attract / address your audience?

This is an image of my reader profile. My music magazine is called 'TME', which stands for 'The Music Evolution'. It is an indie/rock genre and is mainly aimed at young adults/teenagers who are keen on music and have a big passion for music. I decided to use the colours of greay/pink/black and white to make it neutral and appealing to both male and female, but on my reader profile i sed a small bit of blue to give a change. The use of the brush and rough edges effect on the front cover to give the magazine a 'cool' look without it being boring and to bring attention to the audience as they are young and seek fun. On the reader profile there are images of cars, alcohol, clothing brands and gadgets all that would relate to the target audience.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Music Magazine Completed

Evaluation Question 7-Looking Back

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

After i evaluated my preliminary task i noticed that my skills had developed which helped the music magazine look a lot better than the preliminary school magazine.

As you can see the music magazine looks a lot more detailed and descriptive. On the prelim task i used a white background behind the text as it was too dark to place on its own, but looking back at it i realized it was a mistake and looked unprofessional. So when i started to create my text on the music magazine i experimented more and found white outline which i used as it was easy to ready and worked well with the background. On the prelim magazine the colors were not consistent so when i was producing my music magazine i made sure i carefully decided on suitable colors to use and made sure that the magazine had a house style effect using the same colors and fonts throughout.

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I found using photoshop was rather difficult at first, but once I experimented with the different tools and gadgets I became very fond of it and found that it was easy to use once you know how to. It was great because it allowed me to experiment and use different layers. For example i used different layers to create the different fonts without them being muddled up. I also used Pages to create my contents page and double-page spread. I was completely new with using this software but I found that it was very helpful with creating my magazine. I became used to it very quickly and it was easy to be creative with, as it allowed me to make changes and then easily delete them if I made a mistake or disliked them.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Media distribution is how the magazine is sold or delivered to the audience. Some of the original ways is by selling the magazine throught retail outles and big super markets. Also music shops such as HMV                      
would be a good way to distribute the magazine as the people interested in the same genre of music as your magazine will easily notice it.

But now there are newer ways to distribute your magazine, for example online distribution. This is becoming more popular with musig magazine and big brands such as NME and Kerrang have ways you can subscribe to this. Also mobile phone applications are becoming more popular when subscribing.

Another way of distribution of a music magazine is being given away as a freebieor a promotional magazine, which would help if it was alongside a top selling magazine. Also if it was to be given away at popular gigs and festivals wit the similar genre of music then it would promote the audience.

After researching the different types of distribution i decided that my magazine will be published using the traditional forms of distribution, such as selling them in a retail outlet. Also in music shops such as HMV as a lot of the target audience will be shopping for similar genre music.

My magazine will cost £1.80, as this is a reasonable price for young adults, and will be published once every two weeks, to give readers a frequent update of the different contents involved. To ensure that it reaches my target audience it will be placed at a prominent point of sale, to ensure that readers can easily recognize the magazine once in the que to buy a CD.

Seeing as there will be a lot of competition, i will make sure that my magazine has lures to make the reader buy it, instead of the leading music magazine. Also, to make sure that my magazine is being delivered to the audience its intended to reach, it was be a national magazine being sold in the UK, as this is where the vast majority of my audience are. To promote the music magazine, I will advertise it in similar magazines of similar genres, such as Kerrang and NME.

Evaluation of Prelim Task

Saturday 11 December 2010

Evaluation Question 4

Who is the target audience for your magazine?

The target audience for my music magazine would be teenagers and young adults, aged 16-25, as indie music is usually listened to and supported by this age band. I also have chosen this age band because the majority of artists in the indie/rock genre are a lot younger than the artists in other genres of the music industry, such as soul and R'n'B.

The image i have used on my front cover is of my band, which is made up of three teenagers, this would help to attract the target audience as they would easily recognize the trio, due to them being roughly the same age. Also on the front cover i have used specific colors to grab the attention of my target audience. I have used black and white, to give the magazine an indie/rock look to it, with pink writing to stand out and also to show that the magazine is for both male and female by using colors that attract both.

My magazine is also aimed at people who are passionate about music, and have a great love for festivals and concerts. I have placed a lure on the bottom of the front cover which gives readers the chance to win tickets to one of the main festivals in the UK, 'Vfestival'. This will encourage the audience to buy the magazine as they will be more interested and keen on finding out more about the magazine.

Friday 19 November 2010

Codes and conventions of a Music magazine

To get a better understanding of music magazines, i researched the codes and conventions of the music press. Firstly i looked at the fron covers of music magazines. The codes and conventions i found are as follows:

  • Masthead- So the reader can recognise the title of the magazine.
  • Lures- To give the reader an isight to the magaizne of what type of articles will be shown.
  • Straplines- To show readers the different articles that will be in the magazine.
  • Date/Issue/Barcode- To show when the magazine has been published and how often it is being published. Also a barcode to be scanned in shops to make it look realistic.
  • Price- To tel readers how much the magazine will cost.
  • Cover lines- To link to genre of magazine.
  • Main images- To show the image of the artist/band.

Next I looked at the contents page codes and conventions. i found that this includes:
  • Editorial - This is done so that the magazine connects with the audience. They have an appropriate mode of address
  •  Page number- The consumer knows what page it is an can find articles easier
  •  Images (several) that relate with the music and genre- This is to get the audience hooked and want to read the articles to discover what the pictures are about.
  • One main image- This is the focus of the magazine the main article the one that is the cover story so it is clear to the audience that this is the main story.
  •  Connects with the front cover- image, masterhead- This is so that the target audience can find what they were looking for on the front page.
  • Different fonts- This is used so that it is not boring but catchy and you’re drawn to different pieces of information
  • Ordered- this is so that the target audience can easily access the articles they want to read as they will be under headings so it is easy to find
  • Colour theme (connects to the front cover)- So that the audience can easily recognise the magazine in the more issues and also it looks serious. Doesn’t look messy and unorganised
  • Captions with images- So that the target audience can understand what the pictures are and who of.
  • Magazine title- So that the reader is constantly reminded of the title of the magazine so that it stays in their head.
  • Date of release/ issue number-so that the reader knows if it is the most recent magazine
  • Columns (3 or 4)- Shows that there is plenty of content within the magazine showing the reader that it is not only the main story in the magazine
  • Focus on the cover story- So that the reader knows that, that is the main story
  • Separated into subheadings example, regular features, news- So that the reader finds it easy to find what they are looking for
  • Web address- So that the target audience can access the internet address

I then read over all my research and tried my best to make sure my music magazine included some of the contents

Friday 12 November 2010

Online Vs Print Research

Magazine Research: Online Version Vs Print Based Version


In class we compared two different forms of a magazine, which i chose Kerrang. We looked at both the print based version, and the online version of the magazine, comparing the features and components of them both. we had to decide which was more informative and which was the easiest to read and navigate to the selected pages. Here are some of my findings:


  • Fonts are consistent which create a link between the two forms of the magazines. 
  • I found that the colours were the same on both forms of the magazine, they use colors like yellow, black, red white and grey. This gives a clear house style to the magazine version, and is easy for the reader to be able to recognise the style.
  • the artists and images used were similar.
  • The navigation of both forms of the Kerrang magazine were different as you are unable to use links on the magazine print based version and they use contents pages.
  • The features were different as on the website they use podcasts and the print based version uses quizzes to engage the readers.

Sunday 17 October 2010

Research of Music Magazines.

Research of Different Magazines

I began my research for music magazine by looking at online websites for different magazines with different genres. Some of these included:

I looked at the similarities and differences between the magazines i.e the colors, fonts, genres, target audiences, images, settings, iconography, lighting, camera angles and lots more. This research helped me to gather information and have a better understanding of the different music magazines and how they use the mode of address to appeal to the audience.

    Thursday 7 October 2010

    Coursework Brief

    For our coursework we are going to be completing three main components. The first is a preliminary task, which requires the front page of a school magazine using a mid-shot of a student and a mock up of the contents page. The second is the min task, which is producing a music magazine, including the from page, a contents page and a main feature of an artist that we will be making up. the third is an electronic evaluation of the production portfolio- this will take the form of this blog.

    Wednesday 6 October 2010


    My name is Georgia. Im 16 years old. I am currently attending La Swap Sixth Form for the next two years studying A Levels; Law, Psychology, Sociology and Media Studies. This blog is going to be used to show my coursework for Media Studies so examiners and teachers will be able to view my progress.
    i dont really have hobbies and favorites etc. but at the moment one of my favorite artists is..
    Katy B.